Crew recruitment & B737 CL Simulator
Crew recruitment & B737 Simulator
If You are buying business or private jet and need to find pilots, we will help You to recruit and train the crew. Also we can offer Russian speaking candidates and already trained crews.
Save up to 30 % for crew training and up to 40 % for crew requalification. We will save Your time and money, because operate in Lithuania – the European Union country, where costs are 2-3 times lower than in Austria or Malta. We don’t have any extra payments for brand like in Vienna or geographic position like in Moscow. You will not overpay for crew recruitment and training choosing „Aviacom“ as your European business aviation partner.
♦ Crew recruitment. We’ll find candidates and in our training centers test their theoretical and practical skills to decide if they have qualification needed to work in the offered position.
♦ Organization of theoretical training for the crew members. Assistance in choosing programs and preparation of documentation needed.
♦ Organization of practical training for the crew members. Assistance in choosing programs and preparation of documents.
♦ Assistance in getting licenses, certificates, medical and the other documents needed for the crew members. Control of their validation terms.
♦ Assistance in making crew work and rest schedule and control of their working time according to the requirements of EASA.
♦ Crew proving with flight planning programs and tools, control of their validation terms.
♦ Preparation of work agreements with the crew members, financial solutions for salary payment, legal consultations.
Boeing 737 Classic Full Flight Simulator
We offer a low cost B-737/500 CL Full Flight Simulator Training and skill test before the assessment in a company.
1 hour starts from 160 Eur
Renew Your skills in B737-500 simulator before the assessment
Have an invitation from company to come for assessment?
Renew Your aircraft piloting skills in Boeing 737/500 Classic Full Flight Simulator (FFS) in Lithuania, Aviacom Flight Academy Training Center in Paluknys for one of the cheapest price in Europe.
Boeing 737 full-flight simulator is a full scale representation of the B737 cockpit layout and covers the various primary sections in the same positions as they are in actual aircraft.
If You are buying a new aircraft, but already have the pilots which You trust – we’ll train them to fly with Your new business jet.
Are You sure, that Your pilots will be allowed to fly in Europe?
From April 2014 there are new European regulations for the pilots, flying in the EU without (JAA –EASA) licenses. If the aircrafts, which they fly with, are registered in such places as, for example, Island Man, they won’t be allowed to they in Europe without JAA – EASA licenses.
If You have pilots, who do not have valid European JAA – EASA licenses, we will coordinate the training process in order to get these European licenses for pilots non residents of the EU.